The string of pearls is a concept... that purports to bring forth a teaching. It is made up of a series of concepts, principles, ideas, which are strung together to bring forth a proposal, an action or series of actions, and finally a conclusion and a challenge.

This has also been called a 3-point sermon. Concepts strung together in a cohesive fashion. After each main principles, a refrain comes, a quick review, like a song is brought forth as a reminder of what we are talking about, what we are trying to present, and it is like a song, reminding us all of the subject at hand.

Recently the primary pearl has been the exposition of the miracle of Deliverance and conversion depicted in the book of Exodus.  And the enlightenment that is presented by many names, like born again, blessed assurance, the epinosis, and the Christian conversion.  Christians who are introduced to the gospel are confirmed in it by a personal revelation also called a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. How does it happen? Please keep listening...

So in our first pearl we use the miracle of the Passover of the Israelites and the miraculous deliverance in Exodus from the old slavery of sin in Egypt into the perilous journey analogous to the walk with Jesus Christ to the better place of freedom from the torment of all that the devil has placed us in.

And now to that everyday person who is perplexed by the vicissitudes of life itself this generates a desire to go on, just as the miracles in Exodus did to the Israelites.   Now this, plus the universal question people have to know "WHO IS GOD AND WHAT IS HIS PURPOSE?"  We have, in effect "an exit" out of Egypt, and now we are prepared to learn and to search the trail that lies before us.

By taking our first pearl of the account of Exodus in the scripture Exodus 13:17 where it becomes a basic origin of start for our journey after the deliverance. It is after the Passover. It is when the Egyptians actually let the people go or thrust them out, with great riches borrowed from the Egyptians. The parallel here is that when we come out of our bondage personally we have gold, riches of the experience of how much darkness and pain and confusion etc., that we experienced as usually voiced and expressed in a testimony.

All of what the Jews found in the Old testament was an experience that Paul tells us was our schoolmaster, our gold treasure chest of experience by which we can draw many conclusions about God that clearly now is fulfilled in the Lord Jesus Christ. This pearl of wisdom is expressed in the scripture in Matthew 5:17 which says I come not to destroy the law and the prophets but to fulfill.

So that in the Old testament which is our school master it's content is a series of lessons that are proven to be examples types and shadows which clearly present the status of God's New testament. The New testament bringing forth the promise to the Jews in Jeremiah 31:31 which says in that day I will no longer write my commandment in stone but upon the hearts of my people.

And you might ask which people? All that God deals with in the New testament is the fulfillment of concepts principles, and ideas that are put forth in the law and the prophets of the Old testament and Psalms. These are major points that we can jump off of to fully express a concept One more pearl in the string that brings forth a fulfilled concept.