The Catalyst in 1 Peter 3     

We want to continue in Peter in Chapter number 3, talking about God who has begotten us again and two a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

That the sign for all tribes kindreds and nations is the historical fact that Christians have been preaching for centuries.

That because God has all power in raising Jesus, also has all authority to command your soul and to not only save you but keep you safe from eternal hell and death.

He first loved us, and through his mercy awakened us by the holy Spirit to look toward God and not to the devices of the world.

We who have been awakened by the holy Spirit of God into a new creation and a new life thank and love Jesus Christ because he has first loved us.

We are kept by his grace and we don't lose hope but have a great looking toward the future in Jesus Christ and we are bought with a price, an original Christianity says that we are not our own.

We are not our own because we are bought with a price out of the slave market of sin that kept us in a mindset that is a trail to the grave and a destructive mindset.

Reverse number 5 says we are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation although we do not see it now, the wise are chosen to serve the word of the Lord.

And this service of reminding our brothers and sisters of the gravity of serving and obeying the Lord God. It is an essential component to our survival.

And it is a survival not only of ourselves but of our community. We are our brothers keeper and we look out for one another, feeding each other with meekness and fear.

We do not dare to Lord it over any person, but the greatest commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself, and to give your neighbor his heads up, is warning, and the reminder of the ages. That the message of the gospel is not new it is old.

Because Isaiah says to seek the old ways and to remove not the old landmark, but remind our brothers and sisters of the judgment that comes upon nations and upon ourselves.

The word of the Lord reminds us of mankind in the account of a man who business grew plentiful. He was fortunate upon the earth that his crops grew with great abundance.

And in the state of abundance he did not think of God or thank the Lord but he thought of his own plans, for it was not to think the Lord but to plan to build bigger barns to contain all of his goods.

And then the word of the Lord was not considered by him but he had a prescription for himself and said I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones so that I may store all my goods. For they are mine and they are no one else's.

And then the man said to his own soul, I will say to my soul eat drink and be merry for you have many goods for many days so take your ease and retire because you have many goods stored up.

But the Lord came to him and the Lord said thou fool you have stored up the day and who will those goods be for? They shall not be for you, because you're soul shall be required of the this night.

Such is the man who is not rich toward God, for he cannot be rich in goods if he is not wise. So if a man rejects wisdom he invites poverty. And poverty comes upon the human psyche and on his body like an armed man.

But judgment of God is sure, for the wages of a sin for life is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ. To love Jesus Christ is the bread of your spirit.

To survive in this world we are reminded to put good things into our body to eat, but the great deception of humankind is that he starves is soul, so when he starves is soul wisdom and the strength of insight depart.

And when God turns his back on the sinful man who does not take the bread of Christ and be restored to health and life, we are cut off from the main source of Creator God who made us and who also made the missing puzzle piece that is in man's soul.

They are systems in every human for example the circulatory system of heart and lungs and this component is essential, there is also the nervous system of brain spinal cord and sensitivity of touch.

There is the sense of smell in sight and touch and taste and feel that man can negotiate the flesh world, but his deep depression and worry come from a vexation of spirit that also must be fed with the prescription that God gives us.

When we learn of Jesus Christ and when we abide with him we also see the completion of the whole man. We can look at John chapter 15 that reminds us to abide in Jesus Christ, and how this sustains us and keeps us from the serious mistakes that human beings are flawed and fall into deception and the pit of ignorance in their spirit. So that we do things that are not productive and not healthy and are foolishness, and we are blind to these things when we turn our back upon God. First Peter reminds us of these things and because we don't read the whole I will familiar eyes the phrases such as verse chapter 2 verse 1 and 2

Where Peter warns us to lay aside all malice and guile and hipocracies and evil speakings so that we as newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the word that we can grow and mature by the word of God.

And he says to the strangers and those who have not known the gracious God Jesus Christ that we have tasted that the Lord is good to us so that we can change our minds and we can offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God bye Jesus Christ because mankind throughout his history offered sacrifices to satisfy and appease God.

In ancient pagan nations in Central America they even offered human sacrifice of their children and of their family. The Bible says that God hates this human sacrifice. That for a convenient life we must kill the infant that is born of us.

So the princes of this world and the celebrities and the Hollywood singers and dancers kill their own children so that they will have a good life in murdering their children through abortions and through neglect.

God through Jesus Christ says to love not the world nor the things of the world because he who loves the world cannot love God. For a man cannot serve two masters otherwise he will love one and hate the other. This is a truth that saves and brings salvation.

He that loves the world invests in the world and is not rich toward God so there is nothing we can do to make ourselves right in the eyes of God because we take upon ourselves to get through without the atonement and without the payment for God says only the blood of Jesus Christ can save you. This means that the payment has been made by his son God's way God's anointed God's lamb God's prescription and not yours if we atone by simply being sorry we trespass upon the office of the only sin bearer which is Jesus. We trespass when we take upon ourselves to presume that we are worthy to pay the debt that is so deeply embedded in the soul.

The debt cannot be paid except God's way. I invite every person that is in the sound of my voice too reject the things of the world and to look steadfast at the prescription that God is given with a world. God loves those that love him and God so loved the world the stranger the sinner that he has given the prescription to cure the disease of sin that man cannot see in himself. The blindness of human beings has overtaken the psyche in the soul.

We learn much as Peter in his letter gives us the prescription that the Lord Jesus Christ had given us also and we in our study will go over these reminders let's look at chapter 2 verse number 6 and 7

Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, behold I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone, elect precious and he that believes on him shall not be confounded.

Unto you therefore which believe he is precious but unto them which be disobedient the stone which the builders disallowed the same is made the head of the corner.

It is a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense even to them which stumble at the word being disobedient, where unto also they were appointed.

But Peter goes on to say that because the holy spirits come to you and quickened you and made you alive to believe in the salvation of Christ, you are a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation, a unique people that you should show for the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.

In which in time pass were not a people but are now the people of God. This is the fulfillment that the Lord promised and said that he came not to destroy the Old testament but to fulfill it. Now in times past you were not a people but now the people of God which had not attained mercy but now have obtained mercy. So in that part in chapter 2 of 1st Peter we can get a glimpse of God's promise.

I say to all to allow Christ to reign as the new boss of your soul, the new captain of your faith and the new guiding light that is given to mankind that he not turn away and be foolish and perish but rather that he live.

For God does not rejoice in the death of the sinner but he loves the sinner who repents one who comes out of the crowd and says I believe in Jesus Christ my Lord my Savior may atoning purpose, and I will feed my soul and be fat and rich in Jesus Christ.

I really pray this day that you hear this faithful message and consider the weakness of human flesh and the great strength of the mystery of Christ in you which is the great hope of love for yourselves and for your families.

And now I pray a blessing fall upon you in the name of the Father and of the son and of the Holy Ghost amen.