I know that it is important for humans in any age or anytime to make a altar or should I say a place to worship God.

We learn that the only way to worship God is through his precious son Jesus Christ.

So we take time to learn more and more about how to do that and tonight I like to look at the definition or men's or humans view of the people of God.

The people of God can be a nebulous phrase but Jesus said when he was marveled by the centurions great faith, that at the end he said I come to call the lost people of the house of Jacob. But then added that many shall come from the north south east and west to sit down with Abraham Isaac and Jacob at the table. What does that mean?

We have to declare the gospel which is the good news that in Jesus Christ he by his covenant and his blood and his forgiveness of our sins has grafted us into all the promises and salvation and goodness that has gone before to God's People.

It was heaped upon God's people, and the majority rejected their final savior Jesus Christ.

It's written in Isaiah 53 that he, the Messiah, would be despised and rejected but as many as received him, is first John says, to them gave he power to become the sons of God.

What was that, but a grafting in, and a promise that Jesus Christ would not only place a way and a path.  That path would be for the children of Jacob and Israel but also now to the whole world, as many as received Him.   That's us grafted in!

That's why tonight I had studied a few things about a man recorded in Luke chapter 19 who was despised by his neighbors.  This was because he was a publican. His name was Zacchaeus.

So we can see the text here.

But this Bible account should be more. It tells about an archetype. An archetype is a pattern that is repeated in human history, over and over and this one with Zacchaeus is all about seeking Jesus.

We seek God through remembrance. It is the old landmark of Proverbs. One that we go back and remember. (Proverbs 22:28-29)  We remember what good things God has done for us.

This is the reason for the Passover, our communion service at the church, and the many times we get together to study God's word. It is both a seeking for his presence and also a remembrance of his goodness.

Thus as I remember my early days in college the intervarsity student prayer team would get together and give some plain worship and honor to the Lord Jesus Christ in a prayer meeting. And that was really the main thing.

First to remember the accounts of greatness and to honor the Lord. And then to discuss until about his greatness. Testimonies.

We have a thousand things to remember about Jesus and we share them one by one here on Wednesday night 6:00 p.m. .

So let's look at this publican. What is a publican in the Bible?

Thank you Lord for your presence and your refreshing comfort that comes like the wind in a fragrance not able to be described. Thank you Jesus for this day.

He is the precious one who has made a way and has planted this landmark in the hearts of those who would seek him.

We give him praise for he has shown the way for us to feed and to have food and drink that the world does not know.

Jesus is the Lord and has given us great and precious promises whereby we may be partakers of a whole new nature and not only a nature but the family of the people of God. That we may be privileged to be the beloved in the blood of Jesus who has paid for us since the beginning.

Thank you Lord Amen. And what do you love about the Lord Jesus Christ?

I love the fact that he is our provision and our protection sent by the holy God to sustain us both in our spirit and our body.

He has given us wisdom as to organic foods and health that the wisdom of man cannot touch. We call these things holy because they are special and proprietary. They are not available to those who walk in darkness. God keeps them for his people.

Jesus gives us this blessed assurance against fear depression and even the fear of death. He is not teaching us a philosophy but as in abiding with us in a living power and spirit. He is Jesus Christ called in Hebrews yesterday today and forever he is abiding with us.

So each day that we meet together is for him and his glorification as he has provided and protected us. Amen.