74 Truths About Jesus Christ

Jesus our provision sent by God to sustain both spirit and body which the soul needs to survive.

Jesus gives blessed assurance against fear depression death.  Assurance is also called epignosis

Jesus not a teaching or philosophy but a living person

Jesus is God along with The Holy Spirit, also called The second person of the Trinity, the personal nature of the Almighty or Godhead

Jesus by whom and for whom all things were made defended

Jesus came into the world to expose lies and spiritual darkness

Jesus was in the world but the world didn't receive Him.

Jesus has a remnant a group or church that has received Him

Jesus gives us the Holy Spirit that empowers and enlightens us

Jesus through The Holy Spirit teaches us all things in and about the Spirit

Jesus tells us to search the Bible Scriptures of the old and new testament because they speak about Him.

Jesus covenant is through his blood shed for us as payment and to render justice in atonement for our sin deeds and our sin nature.

Jesus suffering, death and resurrection is His finished work that gives Him God's seal of approval and all authority to heal and to forgive

Jesus, upon entering a life, is provision and protection for man against all spiritual wickedness or harm

Jesus makes the bible's truths alive to us through the Holy Spirit which he freely gives to those who love Him.

Jesus is not a religion or a religious tradition but rather God's son who is alive inside of us

Jesus is and has been a mystery to much of the darkened world but the good news of the Gospel is called "light' or an "awakening".

Jesus is made known to humans through the account known as The Gospel

Jesus is in the Gospel good news of His great deed that we tell

Jesus great deed is about forgiveness and reconciliation to God through payment and justification

Jesus says belief in Him passes a person from death unto life. John 

Jesus in resurrection received all authority from God the Father.

Jesus says as Moses lifted up the serpent He must be lifted up.

Jesus has authority to heal forgive set free fix brokenness.

Jesus comes to us and brings spiritual light to dispel darkness

Jesus promise is to dwell in our body forever saving loving us

Jesus prepares a place that where He is we may be also

Jesus says you will know the way and says I AM the way.

Jesus knows what is in man, and that man takes a toxic trail

Jesus know man' distress but sends His Comfort, the Spirit

Jesus promises Comforter the Spirit to all who believe on Him

Jesus tells us the fallen world cannot receive His Holy Spirit

Jesus says they that call/cry on the name of Lord will be saved

Jesus says He is the only door the Father recognizes

Jesus says His kingdom suffers violence and the violent take it.

Jesus implies our mission is not for the passive and inactive.

Jesus says multitudes are in the valley of decision

Jesus says I lay down my life for my sheep and I take it again

Jesus says I lay down my life and no man takes it from me.

Jesus says I take it again, this command I've received from my F

Jesus as God is the Good Shepherd the owner master creator

Jesus as creator God is the only authority to redeem/buy back

Jesus as author creator owner buys back humans from Satan

Jesus buys back with a call the call who know His voice come

Jesus says His sheep know His voice. Another they don't hear.

Jesus says of all there shall be one fold and one shepherd

Jesus rejected by His own was received by infidels and sinners

Bible says while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.

Jesus comes not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance

Jesus when near calls unclean who have no need/time to wash

Jesus says to call on the Lord while He is near Isaiah 55:6

Jesus did works among them no other did yet they despised Him

Jesus was despised and rejected of men as Isaiah 53 tells it.

Jesus says Holy Spirit reproves world of sin, right way, judgment

Jesus says they that have sinned much once forgiven love much

Jesus touches and no explaining only once I was blind now I see

Jesus touched me and I passed by and then came seeing.

Jesus says he who has seen me has seen the Father

Jesus says because I and the Father are one

Jesus you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free

Jesus says many are locked in prison the captives of deadly sin

Jesus comes to set the captives free those bound and broken

Jesus says Satan is a liar and the father of all lies and charming

Jesus says to come to Him just as you are with no excuses

Jesus says that to surrender to God's son Jesus is true victory

Jesus sent by God because mankind cannot save himself

Jesus on the cross atoned and paid for sin of those who believe

Jesus said whosoever believes in me has eternal life in heaven

Jesus takes shame blame fear anxiety depression sinsideeffects

Jesus power love strikes not at leaves but at the roots of sin

Jesus love help us forgive the many who have hurt us deeply

Jesus says to forgive others so that in turn we can be forgiven

Jesus takes the anger and bitterness I lived with so long

Jesus creates new awakening and empowers creation inside me